Following are Envirotech’s most requested documents for download
This document must always accompany any drinking water samples brought into the lab for analysis. Please check off the appropriate test(s) for analysis, the time the sample was taken, the location where the sample was taken (both physical address and source of the sample, i.e., bathtub, well, outdoor spigot, etc.), and the person taking the sample. Be sure that the main contact, telephone number(s), and email address where results will be sent are included.
This document must always accompany any swimming pool or spa samples brought into the lab for analysis. Two vials of water are required for each site sampled. All samples taken should contain a Sodium Thiosulfate pill. Vials for pool/spa testing can be obtained
at our Envirotech lab. Please fill each vial to the 100 ml line. Pool and spa water have a hold time of 8 hours.
Ice cream must be collected using a sterile container that will be provided by Envirotech.
Ice cream and yogurt must arrive at the lab on the same day as the sample was taken.
To test Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in a water sample, special vials with preservatives must be used. VOC sampling kits are available at the Envirotech’s lab in Sandwich. Use the drinking water CoC when submitting to the lab.